Parameter |
Definition |
How it was calculated |
Number |
event number |
Nparticles |
number of particles in the event |
hepup.NUP |
ProcessID |
subprocess code for the event |
hepup.IDPRUP |
Weight |
weight for the event |
hepup.XWGTUP |
ScalePDF |
scale in GeV used in the calculation of the PDFs in the event |
hepup.SCALUP |
CouplingQED |
value of the QED coupling used in the event |
hepup.AQEDUP |
CouplingQCD |
value of the QCD coupling used in the event |
hepup.AQCDUP |
particle HEP ID number |
hepup.IDUP[number] |
Status |
particle status code |
hepup.ISTUP[number] |
Mother1 |
index for the particle first mother |
hepup.MOTHUP[number][0] |
Mother2 |
index for the particle last mother |
hepup.MOTHUP[number][1] |
ColorLine1 |
index for the particle color-line |
hepup.ICOLUP[number][0] |
ColorLine2 |
index for the particle anti-color-line |
hepup.ICOLUP[number][1] |
Px |
particle momentum vector (x component) |
hepup.PUP[number][0] |
Py |
particle momentum vector (y component) |
hepup.PUP[number][1] |
Pz |
particle momentum vector (z component) |
hepup.PUP[number][2] |
E |
particle energy |
hepup.PUP[number][3] |
M |
particle mass |
hepup.PUP[number][4] |
PT |
particle transverse momentum |
Eta |
particle pseudorapidity |
Phi |
particle azimuthal angle |
LifeTime |
particle invariant lifetime (c*tau, distance from production to decay in mm) |
hepup.VTIMUP[number] |
Spin |
cosine of the angle between the particle spin vector and the decaying particle 3-momentum, specified in the lab frame. |
hepup.SPINUP[number] |
Number |
event number |
hepevt.nevhep |
particle HEP ID number |
hepevt.idhep[number] |
Status |
particle status |
hepevt.isthep[number] |
M1 |
particle 1st mother |
hepevt.jmohep[number][0] - 1 |
M2 |
particle 2nd mother |
hepevt.jmohep[number][1] - 1 |
D1 |
particle 1st daughter |
hepevt.jdahep[number][0] - 1 |
D2 |
particle 2nd daughter |
hepevt.jdahep[number][1] - 1 |
E |
particle energy |
hepevt.phep[number][3] |
Px |
particle momentum vector (x component) |
hepevt.phep[number][0] |
Py |
particle momentum vector (y component) |
hepevt.phep[number][1] |
Pz |
particle momentum vector (z component) |
hepevt.phep[number][2] |
PT |
particle transverse momentum |
Eta |
particle pseudorapidity |
Phi |
particle azimuthal angle |
T |
particle vertex position (t component) |
hepevt.vhep[number][3] |
X |
particle vertex position (x component) |
hepevt.vhep[number][0] |
Y |
particle vertex position (y component) |
hepevt.vhep[number][1] |
Z |
particle vertex position (z component) |
hepevt.vhep[number][2] |
Number |
event number |
Trigger |
trigger word |
mising transverse energy |
Phi |
mising energy azimuthal angle |
PT |
photon transverse momentum |
Eta |
photon pseudorapidity |
Phi |
photon azimuthal angle |
EhadOverEem |
ratio of the hadronic versus electromagnetic energy deposited in the calorimeter |
PT |
electron transverse momentum |
Eta |
electron pseudorapidity |
Phi |
electron azimuthal angle |
Charge |
electron charge |
Ntrk |
number of tracks associated with the electron |
EhadOverEem |
ratio of the hadronic versus electromagnetic energy deposited in the calorimeter |
PT |
muon transverse momentum |
Eta |
muon pseudorapidity |
Phi |
muon azimuthal angle |
Charge |
muon charge |
Ntrk |
number of tracks associated with the muon |
PTiso |
sum of tracks transverse momentum within a cone of radius R=0.4 centered on the muon (excluding the muon itself) |
ETiso |
ratio of ET in a 3x3 calorimeter cells array around the muon (including the muon's cell) to the muon PT |
JetIndex |
index of the closest jet |
PT |
tau transverse momentum |
Eta |
tau pseudorapidity |
Phi |
tau azimuthal angle |
Charge |
tau charge |
Ntrk |
number of charged tracks associated with the tau |
EhadOverEem |
ratio of the hadronic versus electromagnetic energy deposited in the calorimeter |
PT |
jet transverse momentum |
Eta |
jet pseudorapidity |
Phi |
jet azimuthal angle |
Mass |
jet invariant mass |
Ntrk |
number of tracks associated with the jet |
BTag |
1 or 2 for a jet that has been tagged as containing a heavy quark |
EhadOverEem |
ratio of the hadronic versus electromagnetic energy deposited in the calorimeter |
Index |
jet index in the LHC Olympics file |